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There was a time when the world was slowly plunging into darkness and chaos. A time with witchcraft and sorcery. A time where nearly none stood against evil.
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 The Angelic beings; Valari and Ahnur

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Antall Innlegg : 113
Join date : 26.10.2011
Age : 38

The Angelic beings; Valari and Ahnur Empty
PosteTema: The Angelic beings; Valari and Ahnur   The Angelic beings; Valari and Ahnur Icon_minitimeLør Jan 21, 2012 10:27 am

Ahnur, The Angels

Before the Creation, Aru Ilúvatar made the Valari, (Angelic powers). Each of the angels, or deities as they are called, is worshipped by the mortal races. They are each one aspects of Aru`s personality; Love, hate, joy, valor, anger, remorse, sorrow et cetera. This made them divine aspects of Middle-Earth.

The Music of Aru and the Valari
The Universe was created through the Music of the Valari, music sung in response to themes introduced by Aru. This created the universe. This is supposedly the source of the bard's power, and bards well versed in their art is said to wield the power of the gods.

From Valari to Ahnur
Those of the Valari who felt concern for the Creation and wanted to take care of it, entered Middle-earth, and became the Ahnur, "Holy Ones" (Ahnulindalë), the guardians of Creation. This name comes from the Elvish root ayan- "revere, treat with awe". After Middle-earth`s form was determined by the Music of the Valari and Aru, the Ahnur crossed over into the World to complete Middle-earth`s material development.

The divine aspects
Each of the Ahnur was attracted to a particular aspect of the world that became the focus of their powers. And they grant worthy followers powers to forth their cause and battle the taint of Morgoroth.

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