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There was a time when the world was slowly plunging into darkness and chaos. A time with witchcraft and sorcery. A time where nearly none stood against evil.
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 The Outer Sea and the endless ocean.

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Antall Innlegg : 113
Join date : 26.10.2011
Age : 38

The Outer Sea and the endless ocean. Empty
PosteTema: The Outer Sea and the endless ocean.   The Outer Sea and the endless ocean. Icon_minitimeSøn Okt 06, 2013 11:15 pm

The Outer Sea and the endless ocean. 193_ta10

The Outer Sea covers the oceans that strech from Raxxan and all the way around the eastern coast of Eledar. This is the ocean patches that divides the shallow waters from the vast deep oceans. The deep oceans are not safe to travel due to unknown horrows of the deep, and destructive weather such as lightningstorms. Hurricanes and powerful wind are also a demotivating factor for many wouldbe sailors.

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The Outer Sea and the endless ocean.
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